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Hasonló találatok a webről:

jsI18n • Simple client side internationalization with javascript • GitHub
jsI18n is a simple javascript library for putting I18n on the client side. Howto. Setup.
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Django JavaScript translation empty catalog (i18n/jsi18n) [closed]
Django JavaScript translation empty catalog (i18n/jsi18n) [closed] stackoverflow.com › questions › django-javascript-transl... 2012. nov. 7. · For the language of your current user, do you have any completed translations, or do you just have stubs? The catalogue will only contain values ... Django middleware runs twice because of request to jsi18n jsi18n django.catalogue doesn't contain any translated strings (but ... Django i18n Javascript Problem • Stack Overflow Django javascript translation giving error on page load További találatok a(z) stackoverflow.com domainről
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JavaScript Internationalization (I18n)

Home -> JSI18n.com. JavaScript / ECMAScript Internationalization (I18n). This site is devoted to topics related to software internationalization using ...
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i18n-js • NPM
A small library to provide I18n on JavaScript.. Latest version: 4.4.3, last published: 2 months ago. Start using i18n-js in your project by ...
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marcoscaceres/jsi18n • GitHub
This script "patches" Google Chrome's implementation of the i18n API so that it conforms more fully with ECMAScript's Internationalization API.
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django-statici18n • Read the Docs
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How is /admin/jsi18n/ created • Google Groups

Hi, We are looking at date formats for django and we are trying to figure out how django creates the localised formats found at the link below.
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Translation • Django documentation
In order to make a Django project translatable, you have to add a minimal number of hooks to your Python code and templates. These hooks are called translation ...
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jsI18n • Simple client side internationalization with javascript • GitHub
jsI18n is a simple javascript library for putting I18n on the client side. Howto. Setup.
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Django JavaScript translation empty catalog (i18n/jsi18n) [closed]
Django JavaScript translation empty catalog (i18n/jsi18n) [closed] stackoverflow.com › questions › django-javascript-transl... 2012. nov. 7. · For the language of your current user, do you have any completed translations, or do you just have stubs? The catalogue will only contain values ... Django middleware runs twice because of request to jsi18n jsi18n django.catalogue doesn't contain any translated strings (but ... Django i18n Javascript Problem • Stack Overflow Django javascript translation giving error on page load További találatok a(z) stackoverflow.com domainről
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JavaScript Internationalization (I18n)

Home -> JSI18n.com. JavaScript / ECMAScript Internationalization (I18n). This site is devoted to topics related to software internationalization using ...
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i18n-js • NPM
A small library to provide I18n on JavaScript.. Latest version: 4.4.3, last published: 2 months ago. Start using i18n-js in your project by ...
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marcoscaceres/jsi18n • GitHub
This script "patches" Google Chrome's implementation of the i18n API so that it conforms more fully with ECMAScript's Internationalization API.
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django-statici18n • Read the Docs
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How is /admin/jsi18n/ created • Google Groups

Hi, We are looking at date formats for django and we are trying to figure out how django creates the localised formats found at the link below.
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Translation • Django documentation
In order to make a Django project translatable, you have to add a minimal number of hooks to your Python code and templates. These hooks are called translation ...
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